Friday, April 27, 2018

Jake Continued

His sense of family and home was unusual for a dog  in that it was bigger than just one family. He had a sense of community responsibility and happiness. He was different to people visiting than those that lived close to his house. He was kind to smaller dogs that lived nearby. He loved welcoming and protecting those of his perceived community. He loved interacting with others.  He enjoyed being the mayor of Battle Park Drive!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Jake and JW

Jake moved in across the street in our Spotsy Va  years. From the moment he saw us and we saw him he felt and acted like we and our house were a part of his home. He would be there to greet us when we came home from work. Day or night if he was out when we came home or went out he would be there to see us. We loved that dog!

Fluffy and the Jetta

JW's beloved Jetta and Fluffy the cat who loved the heat from the Jetta.
1980s or 1990s.
Spotsylvania VA.